Artificial Intelligence

I would be happy to share my passion for exploring the infinite possibilities of artificial intelligence with you. With hands-on experience in AI development, I have worked on various projects that challenge the boundaries of what is possible. Whether through coding, problem-solving, or innovative thinking, I am always looking for ways to integrate AI into real-world solutions.

My Projects

In this section, you can find the projects I have developed in the fields of artificial intelligence, electrical engineering, and biomedical technologies. These works aim to leverage technology to create innovative solutions that make a meaningful impact on people's lives, sitting at the intersection of engineering and scientific discovery. Explore the details to uncover the vision behind each project!

About Me

I am Mert, born on April 20, 2000, in Izmir, Turkey. Throughout my educational journey, I have consistently nurtured my passion for science and technology. I started by studying biomedical imaging in high school, followed by earning an associate degree in Biomedical Device Technology at Ege University. Later, I transferred to Izmir University of Economics, where I am currently in my final year of pursuing a bachelor's degree in Biomedical Engineering.

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Here, you'll find the communities I've joined, where I dive deep into my passions and interact with like-minded individuals. Each of these communities brings together unique interests, and my contributions range from collaborative projects to exchanging knowledge and gaining new perspectives. For me, these spaces are not just about community, but about continuous learning and growth.

My Book

Road Map for AI Developers

Roadmap for AI Developers e-book created for be light to AI Beginners. Yapay Zeka Geliştiricileri için Yol Haritası İngilizce Versiyon